4. Unique Opportunity

As a disadvantaged group, we are here because we believe that co-housing could provide for our economic recovery, security and prosperity.

We Are Here

We know that the above statement is true and yet here we are, most of us are standing in the same spot as where we were last year, and the year before. It is scary and we see it as riskier than it needs to be.

More Articles
  • Introduction

    We created lifestyle companies that for the purpose of buying or renting property to create safe and affordable homes (co-housing) for lesbians.

  • Our Mission
    Our Mission

    Lesbians are a class of people who have fewer right […]

  • Goals

    Our goal is to progress the economic security and prosperity of lesbians through shared housing.

  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Our Mission
  • 3. Primary Goals
  • 4. Unique Opportunity
  • 5. Our Organization

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Collective ownership and co-housing